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What is Legally Blind Vision?
Thursday, February 1, 2018 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Health

What is Legally Blind Vision?

Many may confuse blindness with legal blindness. They can actually be quite different. Complete blindness indicates that a person is unable to see or discern any images whereas people who are legally blind are capable of seeing images albeit very unclear.

Stargardt Disease Treatment, Symptoms and Causes | Juvenile Macular Degeneration
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Health

Stargardt Disease Treatment, Symptoms and Causes | Juvenile Macular Degeneration

Stargardt disease is a juvenile version of macular degeneration, a disease wherein a genetic mutation causes protein to block nutrients from being delivered to and waste removed from the macula.

Protanomaly and Protanopia | Understanding Red-Green Color Blindness
Thursday, January 25, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Trending Topics

Eye Health

Protanomaly and Protanopia | Understanding Red-Green Color Blindness

Red-Green colorblindness is the most common type of inherited color blindness. A few cases are due to protanomaly and protanopia disorders. But what are these disorders and how do they differ?

Dangers of Eyelash Extensions | Are They Safe?
Sunday, January 21, 2018 | Bucky LaFountain

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Product Information

Dangers of Eyelash Extensions | Are They Safe?

Eyelash extensions can provide some cosmetic benefits, however there are also some dangers to getting eyelash extensions. Some of these may include red eyes, eye swelling and infection.

Retinoblastoma Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Friday, January 19, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Eye Disorders


Retinoblastoma Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Retinoblastoma is a relatively obscure cancer that affects the eye\'s retina and is most commonly found in children. Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatments of retinoblastoma and more?

Why is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You and Your Vision?
Thursday, January 18, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Trending Topics

Eye Health

Why is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You and Your Vision?

The internet is riddled with stories promoting various home remedies claiming to have detoxifying value, weight loss and overall natural health benefits. But is Apple Cider Vinegar in fact Good for Your health and Vision?