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How to Properly Remove Something From Your Eye
Tuesday, August 1, 2017 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Care Safety

How to Properly Remove Something From Your Eye

We have all experienced an eyelash or some other type of debris in our eye, however did you know there a proper ways to remove something from your eye. Some of these include rinsing with water, saline solution and sleeping on it. Find out how to properly remove something from your eye. 

5 Diseases Eyes Can Help Detect?
Friday, July 28, 2017 | Bucky LaFountain

Trending Topics

Eye Health

5 Diseases Eyes Can Help Detect?

Research has shown that the eye can provide clues associated with symptoms of many diseases ranging from high cholesterol, auto immune conditions, and even cancer.

SightBox vs Hubble Contacts
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 | Contact Lens King

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Product Information

SightBox vs Hubble Contacts

SightBox and Hubble Contacts are two online contact lens retailers offering to sell contact lenses on a monthly subscription basis. Although both of these online retailers provide you with a vision correction option on a monthly subscription basis, they use different models to deliver the service.

How to Improve Your Sex Life with Contact Lenses
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 | Bucky LaFountain

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Fashion and Beauty

How to Improve Your Sex Life with Contact Lenses

How can you improve your sex life by using contact lenses to enhance or completely change your eye color? Find out how altering a simple aspect of your physcial appearance can impact how people perceive you.

Smart Contact Lenses | Do They Threaten Our Basic Rights
Monday, July 24, 2017 | Bucky LaFountain

Trending Topics

Eye Care Technology

Smart Contact Lenses | Do They Threaten Our Basic Rights

Emerging technology, like smart contact lenses, are interesting and exciting but are we often more focused on the dazzle of the technology while overlooking its potential risks? For instance, how do smart contact lenses threaten our basic civil rights? Let's investigate.

Can pregnancy affect your vision?
Friday, July 21, 2017 | Bucky LaFountain

Trending Topics

Eye Health

Can pregnancy affect your vision?

Pregnancy can affect your vision in many ways and it is critical to be cognizant of the causes, symptoms and treatments of vision problems that pregnancy provoke.