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Eye Floaters

Eye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Are you seeing floaters in your field of vision? Is your vision occasionally obstructed by a mysterious black dot on the move? If so, there is a good possibility that you are suffering from eye floaters. Eye floaters are black or grey obstructions in your field of vision.

Eye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Is there an eye floater cure? The cause of these eye floaters can be attributed to many factors including age, infections, injury and/or retinal damage. This article aims to look at possible eye floater cures and treatments that are currently available.

Eye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Eye floaters resemble black or grey obstructions in your field of vision. Eye floaters can appear on a regular basis and then disappear for some time, only to re-appear sporadically. But what causes them and how do you treat it?