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Eye Floaters

Thursday, April 26, 2018
| Contact Lens KingEye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Are you seeing floaters in your field of vision? Is your vision occasionally obstructed by a mysterious black dot on the move? If so, there is a good possibility that you are suffering from eye floaters. Eye floaters are black or grey obstructions in your field of vision.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
| Contact Lens KingEye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Is there an eye floater cure? The cause of these eye floaters can be attributed to many factors including age, infections, injury and/or retinal damage. This article aims to look at possible eye floater cures and treatments that are currently available.

Friday, October 6, 2017
| Bucky LaFountainEye Disorders
Eye Floaters
Eye floaters resemble black or grey obstructions in your field of vision. Eye floaters can appear on a regular basis and then disappear for some time, only to re-appear sporadically. But what causes them and how do you treat it?