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Keratoconus Causes, Treatments and Symptoms
Friday, May 18, 2018 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Health

Keratoconus Causes, Treatments and Symptoms

Keratoconus, a vision disorder that directly affects the cornea causing is to buldge out. Find out what causes keratoconus, its symptoms and how to treat it.

5 Monocular Depth Cues | Adjusting to Monocular Vision
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Trending Topics

Eye Health

5 Monocular Depth Cues | Adjusting to Monocular Vision

There are 5 monocular depth cues or visual cues that can be used to gain a better perspective on the depth and distance of objects. By becoming proficient in reading and understanding these depth cues a person is capable of approximating the actual distance objects are from each other.

Seeing Floaters in Vision | Treating Black Dots in Eye
Thursday, April 26, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Eye Disorders

Eye Floaters

Seeing Floaters in Vision | Treating Black Dots in Eye

Are you seeing floaters in your field of vision? Is your vision occasionally obstructed by a mysterious black dot on the move? If so, there is a good possibility that you are suffering from eye floaters. Eye floaters are black or grey obstructions in your field of vision.

Monocular Vision Impairment | Living Without Depth Perception
Friday, April 20, 2018 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Health

Monocular Vision Impairment | Living Without Depth Perception

Monocular Vision is defined as vision wherein both eyes see different images. In humans, monocular vision impairment is usually due to one eye being blind or unable to register similar images as the other eye impacting their dept perception.

Are Video Games Bad for Your Eyes? Protecting Against Digital Eye Strain
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | Contact Lens King

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Eye Care Safety

Are Video Games Bad for Your Eyes? Protecting Against Digital Eye Strain

Are video games bad for your eyes? Since the inception of commercial video games in the 1970’s a new vision disorder has developed into a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome, associated with eye strain.

Computer Vision Syndrome Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | Contact Lens King

Trending Topics

Eye Health

Computer Vision Syndrome Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Computer Vision Syndrome is a disorder caused by eye strain from looking at digital displays. But what causes computer vision syndrome and what are the symptoms and treatments associated with it.