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Color Blind Test | Contact Lens King

A color blind test is administered in order to determine if a person suffers from the inability to clearly differentiate colors. Color blindness itself is not a form of blindness but just a disorder that affects a person's ability to distinguish certain colors. This disorder is an inherited condition impacting approximately 8% of males and less than 1% of females (according to Prevent Blindness).
The types of color blindness are divided into 3 major groups; red-green color deficiency, blue-yellow color deficiency and complete color blindness. Red-green color deficiency is the most common of the three while blue-yellow and complete color blindness is much more rare.
There are various tests that are available to assist you or someone you know who may suffer from color blindness. One of the most popular color blind tests is the "Ishihara Color Test", which was introduced in 1917 by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara. This test consists of colored dotted plates with each plate showing a number or line squiggle. While taking the test a person has to best answer the question as to what the number is that is shown on the plate and/or outline the path the line squiggle takes.
In an effort to help you perform a quick test to determine whether or not you are impacted by color blindness Contact Lens King is providing an Ishihara Color Blind Test below. For each plate below choose the number that best matches what you see. Upon submission of the test we will provide you with a result page indicating whether or not you are likely suffering from vision color deficiency and if you do which steps should be taken.
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